Get in touch
Active Plan members who are still building up pension benefits through their employment with the Company may get in touch by emailing
If you are a Deferred member of the Plan and would like to transfer the value of your account to another pension arrangement you can contact Capita by emailing
If you have any queries about your pension, or you would like a pension projection, you can contact the Plan Administrator by:
Call: 0114 289 3377
Post: Capita, PO Box 555, Darlington, DL1 9YT
You can request copies of the IDRP and forms from Kathryn Connell, Secretary to the Trustee by:
Post: Aon, 40 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M2 1EN
Active members and current employees:
To request a pension counselling session:
To discuss retirement from the company please contact your Total Rewards Department
To change your AVC contribution or queries regarding SMART pensions please email:
If you have any queries regarding this website, please contact Capita:
Other useful information
Listed below are other useful sources of information about the Plan and pensions outside of it: